We started off several years ago with our first two dumbo rats. One was grey whom I called Remy out of the film Ratatouille, and the other was a Black Berkshire whom John called Stuart. Remy loved his food. If you walked past eating something, his little nose would be pushed through the bars twitching away. His favourite food was cheese. He passed away in his sleep aged 3 years old.
I decided to get a Russian Blue and also named him Remy. Remy and Stuart got on famously, but when Stuart had to be put to sleep, Remy became very depressed. He did nothing but eat and sleep, but hid himself away so he wouldn't have to interact with anyone. I went to a local pet shop to get some bedding and saw a beautiful Black Self female dumbo rat. I bought her and took her home and John fell in love with her and he called her Lady. We went back and got her sister and she was named Tigger. Two weeks later, Lady had 12 babies, but one died. That's what started us off with breeding Dumbo Rats.
We look after our rats, and name the ones we keep. They get treated like they are part of the family and we do not exhaust the females with breeding, we rotate them and they get a good, long, well deserved rest :)
We do NOT breed our rats for food, we make sure they go to homes where they will be loved and cuddled for the rest of their lives :)
The picture above is one of the Russian Blues being handled by one of our sons.